
MOGER Arte e Cultura organizes annual courses as part of the Musical Academy Stupor Mundi project.


Article 1: The Annual Courses are open to all musicians of both sexes, and all nationalities with no limits of age. Underage students will be able to enrol and participate in the courses only with the explicit authorisation of the parent exercising parental authority. The number of participants is limited. If requests exceed the number of places available, applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis. The course is open to both students and auditors.

Article 2: The enrolment form must be downloaded, completed and sent by post at Moger Arte e Cultura, Via Principe Umberto I n.5, 90013 – Castelbuono (PA) or by e-mail to the address provided below. The deadline is established on 31st January 2013.

In addition, it is mandatory to contact the organisers at the same e-mail address to confirm your enrolment and reserve your place in the class.

Article 3: All participants are required to provide the following documentation in attachment to the enrolment form: copy of the enrolment fee payment receipt, made on bank count registered at MOGER arte e Cultura ONLUS, at Unicredit Bank, Castelbuono

IBAN IT 34 I 02008 43220 000101233375

writing the motivation “effective/listener student, and indicate the instrument”; and a copy of a valid photo ID. Underage students are also required to provide copy of a valid photo ID of the parent exercising parental authority.

Article 4: If the minimum number of participants required by the teacher is not reached, courses may be cancelled. In this case the enrolment fee will be reimbursed in full.

Article 5: The Annual Courses will be held at the Musical Academy Stupor Mundi in the territory of Madonie in the city of Isnello, Collesano and Campofelice di Roccella (Palermo). Every course has organized in meetings every month or every two months on weekend’s days form February 2013 to June 2013 and from September 2013 to December 2013.

Article 6: Course schedules are agreed with the teacher, according to her artistic/professional needs. In the event of unforeseen variations, these will be promptly communicated to all participants and they will be also published on the Academy website:

Article 7: The activated courses for 2013 and relatives fees for for the effectives students (including inscription fee € 100,00) are:

Course           Teacher          n. lessons        Fee

Guitar             A. Del Sal              5               € 600,00

Trumpet          M. Pierobon           5               € 600,00


                 V. David                2

               F. Mancuso            2

               G. Etrillard            2

               A. Mollica             2

                        Totale                   8             € 900,00

For listener students there’s an annual fee of € 150,00 (guitar and trumpet) and € 300,00 (saxophone). The fee includes inscription fee of € 100,00.

Effective students

  • I rate – € 300,00 (at inscription moment)
  • II rate – € 300,00 (within 30th  April 2013)
  • III rate – € 300,00 – saxophone – (within 30th September 2013)

Listener students

  • I rate – € 150,00 (at inscription moment)
  • II rate – € 150,00 – saxophone – (within 30th April 2013)

Article 8: Participants who do not comply with the payment will not be allowed to attend the classes. Fees are to be considered non-refundable in case of cancellation by the students.

Article 9: A certificate of participation and attendance will be issued to each student at the end of the Master class

Article 10: Accommodation packages for the entire duration of the courses have been arranged by the organisers in agreement with local hotel facilities. It is possible to join these agreements no later than one week before the beginning of the Master Class. Packages include one night accommodation and breakfast. It should be noted that this offer is not part of the Academy activities, which deals only with the organisation and teaching of the courses. This option is recommended in order to facilitate a convenient accommodation to the students.

Article 11: The organisers are not responsible for any problems or damages of any nature that may derive from class attendance or participation in the activities of the Academy.

Article 12: Enrolment in the classes implies the acceptance of these rules.

Article13: The “Foro di Termini Imerese, Palermo” shall be the authority responsible for settling any potential disputes.